
Global warming always discuss on around myself. The news of global warming represent that the cases calamity and disaster increasing day to day. Columbia is the higher frequency calamity in the world. I feel very sadness. When I reading the news about global warming had been serious day by day. Columbia is an upstart and emergent developing country that is significantly yielded by the issue of global warming. About 10 million Columbia's people were died when the calamity happened on yesterday. I just realize that global warming is not one day occurring. This increase of temperatures is happening at a pace that out strips anything the earth has seen in the past 100 million years. Human will have a hard time adjusting to the increase.

The causes of global warming are irresponsibility of the human's behavior. Even though the human organized the 3R programme (recycle, renew and reuse). But not all the human will involve his or her on this type of recycle programme. What can we do? How can we do? The question always asks from people. But none of the people would start the act for recycle because they not realize the important of recycle.

If you think join the recycle programme is waste your time, you can do the easily things while you can take your water bottle every day and don’t make any purchase on buy water bottle. According the research, the people throw the bottle 1000 pieces in each minute on one country.  You can image that is very serious cases to speed up the global warming. If we always bring our own water bottle, it can reduce to produce the bottle because the water bottle will be garbage when u finishes drink it. That is the easiest ways to help our world.

Another way to reduce the producing plastic beg is bring your own recycle beg when you shopping. If you think this is hard for you to action, you are the useless guy for me. Please act from now. You done the recycle programme are not for any people, just for your lovely person, new generation and yourself.

Don’t be regret when some calamity is happening after that. 




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