
作词: 姚若龙 作曲: 林俊杰

peggyyp86 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()



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peggyyp86 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Global warming always discuss on around myself. The news of global warming represent that the cases calamity and disaster increasing day to day. Columbia is the higher frequency calamity in the world. I feel very sadness. When I reading the news about global warming had been serious day by day. Columbia is an upstart and emergent developing country that is significantly yielded by the issue of global warming. About 10 million Columbia's people were died when the calamity happened on yesterday. I just realize that global warming is not one day occurring. This increase of temperatures is happening at a pace that out strips anything the earth has seen in the past 100 million years. Human will have a hard time adjusting to the increase.

The causes of global warming are irresponsibility of the human's behavior. Even though the human organized the 3R programme (recycle, renew and reuse). But not all the human will involve his or her on this type of recycle programme. What can we do? How can we do? The question always asks from people. But none of the people would start the act for recycle because they not realize the important of recycle.

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  • Jan 13 Wed 2010 09:02
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  • Jan 10 Sun 2010 10:50
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其中一科STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT更是令人头痛的一科。不仅要做assignment,还要做BSG (BUSINESS STRATEGIC GAME) 要上网(www.bsg-online.com)做estimate然后才呈交去让教授批改。这个BSG也很有趣,可以估计你是否有生意头脑。还有,假设你是CEO如何处理你的事业,让它屹立不倒。如果估计错误了,那分数就会很低,分组进行。要队员很合作才能顺利进行,不然意见分歧就难搞了。P/S: 最好不要跟你的好朋友同组,因为很容易吵架,影响感情。

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How to play golf?


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  • Jan 08 Fri 2010 21:03
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